Miskawaan Health FAQ's

What is Miskawaan Health Group (MHG)?
MHG is a holistic functional medicine clinic committed to guiding individuals toward vibrant health and longevity. Our approach integrates advanced diagnostics, personalized treatment plans, and cutting-edge therapies to prevent illness and optimize well-being.

What is the Miskawaan Way?
The Miskawaan Way embodies our holistic healthcare philosophy, emphasizing early prevention, targeted intervention, and comprehensive recovery to enhance vitality at any age. It's about supporting your journey to optimal health with personalized care tailored to your unique health profile.

What is Miskawaan Health Group's approach to health and wellness?
MHG combines advanced diagnostics with personalized treatment plans and innovative therapies like the Laularmed Prevention Panel and MSCs to address health at its core, ensuring a tailored journey towards optimal well-being.

How can the Laularmed Prevention Panel benefit me?
By analyzing genetic, epigenetic, and biological age markers, the Laularmed Panel offers personalized insights into your health, enabling early detection of potential issues and customized preventative strategies.

What makes MSC therapy at Miskawaan unique?
Our Cell Regeneration Therapy uses MSCs to tap into your body's natural healing potential, offering a holistic and minimally invasive approach to combat aging, disease, and immune deficiencies.

Can anyone undergo MSC therapy or the Laularmed Panel testing?
While these treatments offer broad benefits, a personalized consultation with our experts will determine the best approach based on your health status, goals, and unique genetic makeup.

What services does MHG offer?
MHG offers a wide range of services including gut health optimization, longevity therapies, immune system enhancement, hormone therapy, stem cell therapy, mitochondrial therapy, preventive cardiology, physiotherapy, long Covid recovery therapy, chelation, genetic testing, and our pioneering IV infusions, and we are constantly adding to our services.

What makes MHG's approach to healthcare visionary?
MHG combines naturopathic therapy with advanced diagnostics to address not just symptoms but the root causes of illness. Our integrative approach is personalized, considering your entire health profile for the most effective path to improving your health.

Why should I choose MHG for my healthcare needs?
Choosing MHG means partnering with a healthcare provider that goes beyond conventional medicine. Our integrative approach includes prevention, chronic and acute disease care, anti-aging strategies, and more, all tailored to your unique needs.

What are Miskawaan's proprietary infusions?
Our proprietary infusions are tailored treatments designed to address specific health concerns, from boosting immune function and enhancing energy levels to supporting detox processes and anti-aging. Each infusion is customized to your health needs, offering a direct path to improved well-being.

What advanced diagnostics does MHG use?
MHG employs a sophisticated diagnostic toolbox, including cardiovascular risk assessment, GI system testing, nutritional analysis, mitochondrial function testing, genetic and epi-genetic testing, hormone panels, and more, providing invaluable insights into your health and guiding our personalized treatment plans.

What is Orthomolecular Medicine?
Orthomolecular Medicine aims to restore the optimal environment of the body by correcting nutritional and biochemical imbalances, utilizing substances natural to the body such as vitamins, minerals, and amino acids.

How does MHG personalize treatment plans?
Armed with insights from our advanced diagnostics, our team of experts crafts personalized treatment plans that address the underlying causes of your health concerns. This integrative approach targets both symptoms and root issues for holistic well-being.

Can I book treatments at MHG clinics in Bangkok and Koh Samui?
Yes, both our Bangkok and Koh Samui clinics offer a range of treatments and wellness programs. You can book appointments for comprehensive diagnostics or private consultations directly through our website or by contacting us at contact@miskawaanhealth.com.

How can I make a payment for MHG services?
We accept all major credit cards and bank transfers. Payments should be made before treatment commences. Interest-free installments may be available for certain treatments; please inquire for more details.

Can I get a discount on your prices?
We periodically offer promotions. To stay updated, please subscribe to our newsletter or follow our social media channels.

What distinguishes the MHG clinics in Bangkok and Koh Samui?
While both locations offer our full range of services and proprietary infusions, each clinic has unique features tailored to their setting. Bangkok focuses on advanced therapeutic technologies and diagnostics, while Koh Samui offers a tranquil retreat for comprehensive wellness and rejuvenation. Speak to us and we can arrange for your treatment at a location convenient too you.

Join Us for a Life-Changing Experience

Embark on your Health journey with us, where every step is towards a brighter, healthier you. To find out more contact us to schedule your consultation by filling in the form below. Alternatively, you can call on +662 086 8888, or email: contact@miskawaan.com